Monday, February 13, 2012

Holy Spirit

What'll you have? Our specials tonight, "Fire on the Mountain" presented in dazzling brilliance ; We also have the "Living Water" served in overflowing abundance and last, but certainly not least "Faith built on the Rock" which is the house special.
Please remember to drink in the Spirit responsibly ☺

Monday, January 9, 2012

Who are we?

I applaud your effort to bring about change in a church that acts sometimes exactly as the Pharisee.
I have been told that I have hidden behind the scriptures and though the person who said this I doubt is a believer, because they took enough of their time to share scripture with me that seemed relevant, I became engrossed in re-examining myself and this continues on a daily basis.
With those who are from a secular world scrutinizing our daily activies, we may give them plenty of opportunities to find fault in our word or deed.
But imagine and to their surprise, if we were actually to listen and heed there criticism and they were to witness a change in us they were not expecting, what a wonderful tribute to a loving and Living God we would pay!